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M1951 U.S. Winter Service Uniform

This uniform belongs to a currently unnamed soldier who served in the Korean war as a tanker.  The Sergeant First Class(E7) who owned this uniform served in B Company of the 6th Tank Battalion under the 66th Armor Regiment who reported to the 2nd Infantry Division.  While we are unsure of the soldiers name at this point, we do know he served 4 tours in Korea and earned a presidential unit citation.  This uniform is made up of an Eisenhower(Ike) jacket, a pair of service trousers, a button up shirt, a tie, and its insignia the shoes and head covering of this uniform are not present.

M1951 Winter Service Uniform(Front)

M1951 Winter Service Uniform(Front)

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Eisenhower(Ike) Jacket

Eisenhower(Ike) Jacket

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M1951 Winter Service Uniform(Back)

M1951 Winter Service Uniform(Back)

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Right Sleeve

Right Sleeve

(Above) The patch of the 2nd Infantry Division. (Below) Rank patch denoting a Sergeant First Class (E7).

Right Jacket Lapel

Right Jacket Lapel

(From top to bottom) U.S. collar disc with 66 denoting the regiment, a landship(tank) signifying a tanker with a letter "B" for the soldier's company, and a Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon.

Right interior Jacket Pocket

Right interior Jacket Pocket

Jacket Interior

Jacket Interior

An example of the laundry number printed on the interior of the jacket near the size tag.

Left Interior Jacket Pocket

Left Interior Jacket Pocket

Left Jacket Lapel

Left Jacket Lapel

(From top to bottom) U.S. collar disc with 66 denoting the regiment, a landship(tank) signifying a tanker with a letter "B" for the soldier's company, the Infantryman's Badge because the soldier was part of the 2nd Infantry Division, and a Korean War Service Ribbon with 3 stars denoting the soldier did 4 tours in Korea.

Shoulder Board Insignia

Shoulder Board Insignia

The insignia of the 66th Armor Regiment.

Left Sleeve

Left Sleeve

Rank patch denoting a Sergeant First Class (E7).

A clasp used to adjust the tightness of the bottom of the Ike jacket found on the side of it.

M1951 Service Uniform without jacket(Front)

M1951 Service Uniform without jacket(Front)

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M1951 Service Uniform without jacket(Back)

M1951 Service Uniform without jacket(Back)

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Personal Belongings

Personal Belongings

A linen handkerchief, found in back right pants pocket, and 4 bandages, found in right interior chest pocket of jacket.

1951 Winter Service Uniform: Gallery
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